My Favorite Logos
Patron Modern Mexican
Patron modern Mexican contacted me to develop a full branding package for their new, high end, fast causal Mexican restaurant. We kept colors and fonts modern, a nautical color palette, with an elegant theme. This exciting new concept is set to launch in the Charlotte metro area in the fall of 2021.
The Plan Media Group
The Plan is a multi city online media concept that has not launched yet that is to host all the happenings of major cities across the U.S. The Plan contacted me for a full branding package. One of the tag lines we created is “What’s the Plan?” playing off that tagline I created a dual purpose icon of a “P” for “Plan” and a question mark. This is going to be such an informative brand when it launches.
This was such a fun and whimsical brand. I was tasked with developing a brand that would grab the attention of brides to be and anyone who was planning an event. I absolutely love the mystic creature, the mermaid and suggested to the client we have a mermaid as part of our branding and name the newly founded company Sweet Envy. Cotton candy flows like a mermaid glides through the sea. The mermaid is hand drawn with the shape of the mermaid acting as the “S” in the logo. It was such a fun experience to be a part of this brand from the ground up.
Mesa came to me after a rebrand gone wrong by another firm. The word Mesa, meaning table in Spanish is where we started when developing their brand. The logo is crisp and fun and has a clear message of “Bringing more to the table than just food.” I also developed all of their website copy, a new responsive website, tag line, business cards and uniforms. Mesa was so happy they have recently contracted ME to develop their new menu and leave behind collateral.
The Inducer Sauce
My client saw international success from their buffalo pizza sauce that hundreds of women claimed induced labor. So I was tasked to create a suace brand that was fun and could be gifted at baby showers across the nation. We named the sauce “The Inducer” and I combined a buffalo delivering a baby like a stork. Ownership loved it and they are currently in the process of bottling the sauce to be sold nationwide.

The Green Haus
Living Creative
Coming soon in June! Follow along as I convert a 100 year old brick farm house into a modern boho retreat! Until then check out my latest blogs.